What is the origin of the name AERION?
AEROSOL. I am an Aerosol packaging fan. After 20 years in this industry, this packaging inspires me as much. I am convinced of the great potential of this packaging and product delivery option. This packaging has a fascinating side for me.
ORION was a giant hunter of Greek mythology. It was placed by Zeus among the stars which gave the constellation of Orion.
- Mythology is for me a source of inspiration.
- The Constellation of Orion consists of a billion stars. One of them bears the name of Betelgeuse. It is believed to be the brightest star in the universe. Betelgeuse is the chosen name for the revolutionary new can sealing project initiated and managed by Aerion Packaging & Conseil.
- “ Which sets its course on a star does not deviate ”, Leonardo da Vinci.
Curriculum vitæ
Franck Flécheux is independent packaging expert specialized in Alumimun aerosol cans, processes and new product validation working world wide.
- He founded his company called Aerion Packaging & Conseil in December 2013.
- He graduated from the Mining Engineering School ENSTIMD (École des Mines de Douai) 1994.
- He built 30 years experience in the Packaging industry (plastic tubes, Tin plate DWI beverage can manufacturing and finally Aluminum Aerosol cans).
- He is the former R&D Director of one of the main Aluminum Canmaker in Europe where he worked for 20 years and followed up all the new aluminium cans developments.
- Franck Flecheux, DETIC affiliate, is a member of several FEA Working groups:
Standardisation working Group
Faulty Aerosol working Group
Plastic Aerosol working Group - NBN Aerosol can IBE-BVI Belgium National expert linked with the ISO.
- BAMA : British Aerosol Manufacturers’ association : CPD BAMA Innovation day certified.
- Franck Flecheux and the Betelgeuse project won the Special Jury award Aerosol Forum Paris 2017. Innovation Packaging Category.